About Us

About Us


No. We are not another denomination.


It is our sincere desire to wear no other name than Christ's.  We want to be known simply as Christians and members of the body of Christ (Acts 11:26; Ephesians 1:22-23)


Our emphasis is spiritual. Not material or social.


Our building is not a lavish multi-purpose facility, but is designed to provide us with a comfortable place to assemble for the specific purposes of worshipping God, studying His word, and exhorting one another (Acts 20:7; Hebrews10:25). While as individual Christians we seek each others' association socially, the church is not a social club.  The Lord's treasury is not used to promote social functions. Our aim is spiritual (Luke 19:10). We offer Bible classes for all ages every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.  


We strive to be the same church described in the New Testament.


It is our purpose to be identified with the Christians of the first century. We believe this to be possible to all who will learn, believe and be guided by the plain teaching of God's word. When Jesus declared the word of God to be "the seed of the kingdom" (Luke 8:11), he was emphasizing a known fact of nature that specific kinds of seed, when planted, will always produce after their kind. For example, wheat will produce wheat. In like manner the word of God, when planted in the hearts of honest people, and obeyed, will produce Christians just as it did in the first century-nothing more and nothing less.


We have no human head.


There is no man, or group of men, who legislate for the church. We have no man or group of men to whom we answer, but to Jesus Christ, our Lord. He is the head of the church (Colossians 1:18) which leaves no room for any human head. As was true in the first century, so also there is no inter-congregational organization, but rather independent congregations in different locations with Christ as Lord and Master. According to the authority of Christ, when a congregation matures to the point where men meet the qualifications, overseers (also called bishops, elders or pastors) are appointed to look after the spiritual welfare of the congregation. Such men are appointed only when they meet all the qualifications listed by Paul in (1 Timothy 3:1-7Titus 1:5-9). They then have the responsibility to "feed the flock" with the spiritual food found in the scriptures, and to be examples for others to see (1 Peter 5:1-3). Our preachers are not "pastors" (unless they meet the qualifications and are so appointed) but are simply teachers of the gospel.


The Bible is our only book of rules.


Therefore, we have no man-written creed to follow. We are governed in faith and conduct by the Bible alone. While recognizing the guiding principles of the Old Testament, we seek to conform to the rules and patterns of the New Testament (Hebrews 1:1-2; 1 Peter 4:11) which is inspired and infallible in content (2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Corinthians 2:11-13). Consequently, when the Bible speaks upon any given subject, its pronouncement is accepted as final. By its own testimony, no one may, with impunity, alter a single word of it (Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:6; Revelation 22:18-19).


Our plea for unity.


We plead for unity among all who obediently respond to the doctrine and commandments given in the New Testament. Such is in harmony with the prayer of Jesus and the pleadings of the apostles (John 17:20-21; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:1-6). We consider such unity to be possible, or Jesus would not have prayed for it. Since division has always been the result of departure from God's pattern, we believe division can be healed by a return to the revealed truth of God's word. For this we plead.